


Government Continues to Crackdown on Malfunctioning Septic Services

Septic Services LakelandPosted bySeptic Services LakelandAugust 20th, 2021

Septic tanks are revolutionary in comparison to their predecessors – rudimentary cesspools and outhouses. However, they do not provide fail-safe protection against contaminated water that most municipally operated systems deliver. In America, the Census Bureau reports that up to 10% of septic systems across the country don’t work properly.

southeastern septic servicesAdd to this another stat from the Environmental Protection Agency, which estimates that more than 2 million septic systems malfunction every year. This means that a staggering 700 million gallons of raw sewage oozes into the country’s watersheds every single day.

Because of this, federal, state and local environmental officials nationwide are coming down heavy on homeowners with poorly functioning septic services in an effort to prevent contamination of lakes, rivers, oceans, streams and other bodies of water. In some areas, government agencies are offering matching loans and funds for remediation and repairs, while others are enforcing the current laws regarding the maintenance and upkeep of septic services.

Many septic problems can be easily prevented by changing the way home systems process waste. In a typical system, much of the heavy lifting in removing contaminants from wastewater and breaking down particulate matter is done by anaerobic bacteria. Upgrading these colonies to a more efficient, safer aerobic system involves installing an aerator to provide oxygen required by these bio-organisms.

Aerobic systems have proven to be effective and safe in improving the cleaning capacity of drain fields and home tanks. At Southeastern Septic LLC in Lakeland, Florida, we offer practical and cost-effective solutions to help you upgrade the performance of your septic services to alleviate the serious environmental situation mentioned above. Please contact us today for more information.

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